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  • 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Corporate Summit 2023 titled “Rising beyond the Horizon – Campus to Corporate transition” was organized in collaboration with the National HRD Network, Kolkata Chapter on the campus of Army Institute of Management Kolkata to enable students understand how to transit from the cocooned confines of academia to the thoroughfares of the corporate world, seamlessly, on September 23, 2023.

The transition from academia to the corporate world, commonly referred to as the Campus to Corporate journey, represents a significant milestone in one’s life. This journey entails merging academic knowledge with practical realities, demanding adaptability, honing soft skills, and cultivating a deep understanding of the corporate landscape. To equip students for success in this ever-evolving corporate environment, they require both academic knowledge and practical wisdom.

This summit featured a vibrant and interactive panel discussion with industry leaders who shared their invaluable practical experiences and insights to help students thrive in the fast-paced corporate world. Following the panel discussion, there was a Question-Answer Session with the panel members.

The distinguished speakers at the summit included:

  • Ms. Brishti Mondal, VP-HR, Nomura Research Institute
  • Ms. Moumita Mitra, Head – HR, Maithan Ceramics
  • Ms. Nupur Chakraborty, Senior Manager – HR, Century Ply Limited
  • Mr. Saurabh Roy, DGM – Industrial Relations, Reliance Jio Infocomm

Additionally, the event featured the Director of AIMK, Maj. Gen. V. S. Ranade (Retd.), who formally welcomed the esteemed panelists, Dr. J. N. Mukhopadhyay, HOD Finance, AIMK, who played the role of Moderator for the Panel Discussion, and Prof. Tamojit Ghosh Roy, Head of the Corporate Relations and Placements, who explained the purpose behind organizing such a panel discussion.

The panelists shared their insights into the dynamic corporate environment of today and offered potential solutions for students looking to enter the industry in the near future. Drawing from their extensive and illustrious careers, they discussed the challenges faced by the students during the transitions. The interactive nature of the session allowed students to pose questions to the panel members, resulting in an engaging and insightful experience for all attendees.

The key takeaways from the event for students looking to be corporate-ready are as follows:

  1. Improving Commun cation Skills: Effective communication is paramount. Articulating thoughts clearly and with confidence is essential.
  2. Preparation is the Key: Adequate preparation is a fundamental tool for success. Being well-prepared equips individuals to tackle challenges effectively.
  3. Interview Preparedness: Honesty during interviews is crucial. It’s advised not to evade questions and instead provide truthful responses.
  4. Emphasis on EQ, SQ, and Cultural Cohesion: Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Spiritual Intelligence (SQ), and cultural fit are vital in organizations, particularly during employee induction and training.
  5. A Planned Approach: Planning is essential for a successful transition from campus to corporate. Knowing the desired path and planning accordingly is critical.
  6. Research-Oriented Internships: Engaging in research-based internships helps acquire skills in a competitive and ever-changing environment.
  7. Staying Informed: Staying relevant and keeping up with real-time information is increasingly important for success in organizations. Perseverance: Facing challenges and adapting to changes with perseverance leads to survival and growth.
  8. VUCA to BANI: In a post-pandemic world, trends have become Brittle, Anxiety levels have risen, progress is Non-Linear, and ambiguity is Incomprehensible. Organizations and employees must repare for all possible scenarios.
  9. The Aspiration Mantra: Students should plan their aspirations and remain motivated to achieve the desired goals.

Saurabh Roy, the eminent panelist introduced the concept of ‘Career Club,’ an initiative by NHRDN to the attending students. The Career Club is an initiative that helps students in shaping their career roadmap. Through the young membership format, students are integrated into the ecosystem, where they can access resources and insights, primarily in the HR domain. They also have an access to seasoned HR professionals with whom they can network and get mentored too. Overall, students were enriched by the knowledge shared by the eminent panelists on the dais. Summarising the event, Maj Gen V S Ranade (Retd.), Director of the institute, said “the Campus to Corporate journey is a significant transition that demands a combination of skills, preparation, and adaptability. The HR professionals at the Corporate Summit 2023 provided students with valuable insights and guidance to help them navigate this transition successfully.”