Saraswati Puja Celebration, 2023

Goddess Saraswati is the embodiment of knowledge, wisdom and learning.With the thought of organizing Saraswati Puja, enthusiasm gets infused among the students.Mata Saraswati is worshiped on this day. Red gulal is offered at his feet and diyas are also lit nearby.Saraswati Puja marks the beginning of the Vasant Utsav.

Republic Day Celebration, 2023

India celebrates Republic Day on January 26 annually with a lot of pride and fervor '26 January 1950', almost 3 years post-independence, we became a sovereign, secular, socialist, democratic republic.No matter the challenges and hardships, our constitutional committee left no stone unturned to include rights for all.The Army Institute of Management, Kolkata celebrates Republic Day with flag hoisting and cultural performances.

Annual Picnic 2023

A staff picnic was organised at hagra Sirsha Bherry, Hatgachha, Kolkata on 6th Jan 2023. All the families and children attended the picnic. Games were organised for them.

Silver Jubilee Celebration || 19 Sept 2022

19th September 2022 marked the day for the Silver Jubilee Celebration of Army Institute of Management, Kolkata. Graced by the presence of dignitaries from various sectors of the Nation, the program started with the auspicious lighting of the lamp of founding with a grand show of unity and diversity showcasing the different dance forms of India. The extravaganza was preceded by the welcome speech by Director, Maj Gen VS Ranade (Retd) and a narration of AIMK history by Dr. Malini Mazumdar, Academic Coordinator. Mr.

War of Words

The Student Council arranged a second round of debate "War of Words” on September 10th, 2022. The event was graced by the honorable Director Major General V.S.Ranade (Retd.), Professor J.N.Mukhoapdhyay, Student Affairs Coordinator Dr. Debaleena Chatterjee, Asst. Professor Abhilash Acharya as Judges.

Thought provoking and mind boggling topics on beauty pageants, gender-specific rules in temples, privacy issues, Artificial Intelligence. The topic that evoked the most reaction was "Are men the silent sufferers?"

Martyrdom day at AIMK

It's been 11 years since our braveheart late Lt. Navdeep Singh Bains' life came to an end, yet his legacy of foresight, dignity, and bravery endures indefinitely.

Army Institute of Management paid respect to the hero who sacrificed his life for the nation.

Today on his 10th anniversary and also on the eve of International Senior Citizen's Day the MBA 25 Student Council of AIM organized a visit to Snehodiya (Senior Citizen's Living Facility). The students presented a cultural program as a gesture to pay homage to our martyred Alumnus.

Blood Donation Camp

AIM has always strived to become a responsible citizen and to contribute towards the betterment of the society. AIM has a mission to contribute . In the series of Social responsibility ventures, the ISR team of Student Council conducted Blood donation camp on 18th June 2022 in collaboration with Project Life Force. The response was overwhelming with the Director, the Registrar and even an Alumni pitching in to contribute along with student among whom many were first time donors. AIM will continue to contribute positively with several other ISR measures.

World Environment Day Celebration

Director Maj Gen VS Ranade (Retd.), Registrar Col. MK Verma (Retd.) and Girls' Warden Maj. Tukun Kansabanik planted saplings on the occasion of 'Tree plantation and Swach Abhiyan' organized by the ISR team of MBA 25 batch to celebrate 'World Environment Day' instilling the spirit of a greener, cleaner and a sustainably futuristic campus.

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